Rotator Cuff Management with Dr Mary Magarey

Rotator Cuff Management with Dr Mary Magarey

Join Dr Mary Magarey for an update on current research and practical techniques to assist acute and chronic rotator cuff pathology.

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Manual therapy workshop - cervico-thoracic spine
to 14 Mar

Manual therapy workshop - cervico-thoracic spine

The Athlete Lab Physio Clinic is offering a course comprising of 6 x 2hr sessions in basic manual therapy skills for physiotherapists in early 2024. The course is led by specialist physiotherapist Dr Mary Magarey, who has amassed a lifetime of experience in the field and is the only physiotherapist qualified to her extent in the country.

The course focuses on manual therapy skills and is based on the Maitland Concept. The series aims to equip participants with research from the neurophysiological responses to manual therapy, as well as, providing participants with background information about the principles of the use of manual therapy within musculoskeletal and sports/exercise physiotherapy.

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“Mary was patient and helpful with handling positions and really helped develop my feel for the different joints.”

“Overall a really nice course...lots of applicable and easy-to-learn tips that we could apply clinically.”

“Liked that we were given a thorough demonstration then time to practice and ask questions if needed.’